1.the name that a company chooses for its particular brand of product
1."Dodson machinery" The key components are imported and brand-name products, high precision, easy to operate, low failure rate.
2.That kind of advertising seems to be very common with brand name products. They are always trying to maintain brand loyalty.
3.Fruit brand name (appear on the sticker or packaging) enables me to make purchase decisions faster than any other information.
4.Trying to establish some sort of brand name is an important part of the expansion plans of many textiles companies, for example.
5.The main reason was that we feared a brand-name VC firm would stick us with a newscaster as part of the deal.
6.The familiar brand name with a life of its own has been proclaimed as a public benefaction by the advertising industry.
7.But after years of building loyalty, the Japanese company may have put its quality brand name at risk, at least temporarily.
8.The brand name of the campaign - Let's Kick Racism Out of Football - was established in 1993 and Kick It Out established as a body in 1997.
9.Whenever you're trying to promote a brand name, your first task is to make clear where the brand is available.
10.he inspector then wrote down the brand name of the level, as if there might be something wrong with his equipment.